Monday, September 23, 2013

Lesson 3 Teaching Children to Pray

Children and Prayer

Lesson 3 - Children and Prayer

Teaching Children to Pray

   -- Praying Samuels come from praying Hannah’s.  Samuel was born of a praying mother, whose heart was full of earnest desire for a son” writes E.M. Bounds.  “He came into life under prayer surroundings, and his first months in this world were spent in direct contact with a woman who knew how to pray…It was no wonder he developed into a man of prayer.”[1]

Recommended Reading “When Children Pray”  by Cheri Fuller

Christ said in  Luke 18:16  to “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” (KJV)  Children were very important to Christ, and our prayers for them are important too.  We should be praying not only for their salvation, but that they will develop into people of prayer.

When Children learn that their prayers have an impact, they are less inclined to grow bored with Christianity and are likely to pray more.  Further, as we involve ourselves in teaching our children to pray, we will observe how God uses their childlike faith to bless people and situations near and far.

Think about it, Christ wanted the children to come to Him.  When they did He blessed them, and moved in their hearts and situations.  They realized desires of their heart—desires that focused on what God wants.  When they pray—even in a most simple way, God hears and answers those prayers.  There are many accounts of action of answered prayer when children pray.

When you look at children, you may wonder how they are able to pray.   We must remember God has given children characteristics that give them the ability to pray effectively.  Here are 2 of these characteristics:

  • Children come to God with a childlike faith.  They possess an uncanny ability to cut to the core of the issue.[2]  No nonsense, they have simple trust.  They are straightforward & honest with God in prayer.  Contrast this approach with that of adults who often hash over the problem in prayer.  Children are quicker to clear sin. They will ask for forgiveness and can be very transparent. 
  • When children are encouraged, they have the ability to hear God speak.  When you look at these characteristics, they have greater skills when it comes to prayer than we give credit to them for.

So why do we not take time to involve ourselves with them and teach them to pray.

Now let’s take a look at what happens as Children learn?

Children learn primarily by imitation. Seeing the parental example packs a lot of power in children’s lives.  Kids are careful observers and often what they see us do—is just what they do. [3]  Dr Howard Hendricks has said:  “You cannot motivate a person apart from intense personal relationship.  You can impress someone at a distance, but you can only impact him up close.”[4]  It is during those “close up” times with our children…that we impart spiritual messages.  (Deut 6:6  “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart”) Let’s give an example.  Children hearing their parents pray aloud for and even praying with them through the years, has left a lasting mark.[5]  It is a fact that more prayer is learned by having accessible, praying parents, than listening to preachy parents.

As children learn, there are several stages of learning[6]:

    1. There is the Discovery Stagewhere we soak up and discover new information.  This may be frequently seen from Birth to Age 7, but it is also seen in later years too.
    2. Discerning Stage—while children soak up new information they will process it and sometimes ask pointed questions.
    3. Then comes the Deciding Stage-where they draw a line between curiosity and conviction (Conviction is: something you commit to)
    4. The Discipleship Stage—which is really a combination of the three previous stages just discussed.  It is important to realize that while it may take about fifteen minutes to lead a child to Christ, it takes about five years to make him a disciple.  Helping a child become a disciple of Christ takes a lot of being an example and personal involvement with them.

With this in mind—let’s examine what it takes to teach prayer to children.

  • Children need to be encouraged to wait on God and hear what He wants them to pray, and to receive guidance from His Holy Spirit.  Remember they learn this by your example.
  • Prayer time anchors us in the storms that hit from time to time—when children see you pray during a crisis—it sets a precedence for them to do the same.
  • Children need to learn to listen   to parents giving them  ideas.  Our job is to help a child learn to listen to God’s Holy Spirit for themselves.  Here are 2 examples to consider that may help you teach them this concept:
    1. Ask  them “what’s the Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit?  What do you sense?
    2. Another question, ask the child, is “God prompting you to pray about something or to forgive someone?”  Remember children can be very open and transparent.  God gave those characteristics for a purpose.  Our job is to help children use them to learn to listen.
  • Children need to learn that when they see us praying anywhere, that we can pray anywhere—This action can heighten their awareness that we can come into God’s presence anywhere.
  • Teach children how God’s people handled moods-the Psalms have excellent examples.  Take time to read the Psalms.  Read each one completely.  There may be an emotional response described in the Psalm.  Near the end of the Psalms, you will see how the Psalmist resolved it.  How the Psalmist did it can be very helpful to us in handling moods and other emotional responses of ours.
  • Teach that we can bless others through prayer.

Remember the earlier we teach children to pray, the greater the likelihood that prayer will become a part of their life style.

Let’s look now at growth stages of children which gives us an understanding that can help us in teaching them.

When your child is young and old enough to understand basic concepts, is usually the  toddler stage.  Because of their attention spans are short:
  • Tailor prayer time to their ability.
  • Teach them about talking to God.   
  • Teach them a few simple scriptures that one can easily understand.  Those scriptures can help them pray.

As children continue to grow and develop:
  • Continue to teach them that prayer is simply talking with God about what concerns us and also to be thankful to Him.
  • When we pray and your children are with you, ask them to participate with us in conversations with God.
  • Children observe family and they learn what family love is at an early age and that can be used to help teach them to pray in the context of loving others.  (Prayer is an act of love)[7]
  • Children also encounter many challenges and problems.  Teach them that prayer is our number one tool for asking God’s help in dealing with problems.

We have given some suggestions about teaching children to pray.  I would like now to share encouragement of what we can expect to see as results of children praying, especially with parents.

  • When children are included in prayer, their desire to talk and listen to God increases and their faith becomes more relevant to their everyday lives. 
  • When you let children them join you in prayer, and pray about specific issues of concern to them:  i.e.  friendships, school problems, etc., God will do more than you could even ask or think according to His power that works within you and your child.  Eph 3:20-21 ”Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages.”(KJV)
We have focused on stages and principles of involving children in prayer in an effort to teach them by example and letting them have an opportunity to actually pray.  Let’s now look at some helps in teaching children to pray:

  *Start with the basics by looking at needs that are close to the child, then help him/her pray about them.         
      *Teach children to focus on only one subject at a time.
*Teach children scripture verses that can help them when they pray.  Knowing the Scriptures can inspire our prayers and give direction.
*When children learn these scriptures, teach children to put their name in the scripture, making it personal.
      *Teach children about agreement when you pray and practice it.  See Matthew 18 vs 19.  They need to learn to agree to when they pray, and their prayers should be in alignment with God’s word. 
      *When you are teaching a child to pray and the child learns a subject area of prayer—   move on. 
      * Take time to be quiet—and listen  to the Holy Spirit—God  speaks in a still small voice—then help your child to do the same and learn to listen to God’s Holy Spirit.
      *Praying together does not require that we always sit around a table and work a well worn list, nor does it mean a scheduled time.  Structure is very helpful.  However both planned and unexpected events call for the need of prayer.
As you teach your child about prayer, consider that when we pray as a family about our children’s fears and woes, wants and weaknesses, we teach them that everything about them matters…and that nothing is to small or impossible for God to do. Taking their concerns seriously helps them learn to seriously follow God.  Praying together builds a spiritual heritage, and using what God has done—your spiritual heritage to encourage them.

Always take time with your children and pray with them,  Don’t forget about spontaneous moments.  They, too, can be opportunity to teach prayer. 

There is a danger of saying the words: ‘Just a minute’ or ‘I’m busy’.  Those words are  like throwing cold water on a child’s spontaneous learning.[8] 

Slowing down from your busyness, and making time with your children,  can open up windows of time to pray together.

Satan will try to stop us.  If satan can’t frustrate us any other way, he’ll keep us frantically busy …to squeeze prayer time away from the center of our lives.  The one concern of the devil is to keep us from prayer” writes Samuel Chadwick.  “He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion.  When he sees that, he laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.”[9]

Finally, when prayer is made from the heart, and kids join with you in prayer, it helps their relationship with the Lord. A blessing will follow.

Always Remember to Affirm your children’s prayer

and remember:

Prayer is not something taught overnight.  It is taught by developing a life style of prayer.

Reflection Questions:
Children often copy what they see their parents doing.  How does our example when it comes to prayer influence them in the long run?

Why is it important to include/invite children to join us when we pray?

Can I expect my children to learn to pray if I spend on a little time with them?  Why or why not???


[1] E.M. Bounds, Prayer and Praying Men (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1991)
[2] Gloria Gaither, quoted in Draper’s Book of Quotations for the Christian World (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1992)

[3] Cheri Fuller, When Children Pray, Multnomah Publishers, Sisters Oregon, 1998, 54
[4] Dr Howard G. Hendricks, quoted by Reg Grant in “Learning to Teach”, Discipleship Journal, Issue 82 (1994), 35
[5] Cheri Fuller, When Children Pray, Multnomah Publishers, Sisters Oregon, 1998, 55
[6] Art Murphy, “Step by Step:  Leading Your Child to Chirst Video (Orlando, Florida)
[8] Cheri Fuller, When Children Pray, Multnomah Publishers, Sisters Oregon, 1998, 88
[9] Samuel Chadwick in ‘A Treasury of Prayer’ compiled by Leonard Ravendill (Minneapolis:Bethany House Publishers, 1961)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lesson 2 - Helping Children Pray

Children and Prayer

Lesson 2

Helping Children Pray

Recommended Reading:  When Children Pray

It is very important to take time with your children.  In taking time with them, look for spontaneous moments, as they can be opportunity to teach prayer.  When we say a phrase like  ‘Just a minute’ or ‘I’m busy’ is like throwing cold water on a child’s spontaneous learning.  Your taking time to slow down and giving your child personal time can open up windows of time to encourage them to learn to pray and to pray together with your child. 

Children learn from their parents what is important by observing their actions.  Your personal focus on praying and helping your child to pray is very important.

In teaching prayer to children—Here are some things to consider that children need to learn:
  • They need to learn to be encouraged to wait on God.
  • They need to learn to hear what He wants them to pray.  Which comes from reading God’s Word and listening to what God’s Word says.  
  • They need to learn to receive guidance from the Holy Spirit of God..
  • Children need to learn to pray when difficult issues hit from time to time.
  • Children also need to have parents read scripture to them as you would a book.
  • They need help them in seeing how scripture guides us in many situations.
  • When difficult issues arise—Children need to be taught that they can pray anywhere.  This can heighten their awareness of God’s presence.
  • If the difficult issue makes your child emotionally respond, consider using scriptural examples from the Psalms of how others dealt with their emotions—the Psalms have excellent examples.
  • Another important area of prayer that needs to be taught is ‘Blessing Prayer’—If you are blessing others in your prayers, your children will pick up on it.  If you aren’t, now is a good time to start.

An additional area helping children to learn to pray is to teach children would include teaching them to let scripture guide their prayers.  Here are some thoughts about letting scripture guide our prayers:
  • Scriptures can give direction and inspire our prayers.
  • Prayers using scriptures can be personalized which makes praying very personal.
  • Scriptures are also a good way to start prayer time.

When we stop to teach children, we must understand that children have different needs.  Understanding these needs helps to be able to relate to the children.  Some examples of needs include:
  • Release from fear. 
  • Helping a child to be a listener.
  • Recognizing a child’s need to talk.

There are many more needs, but these are a start and should help us focus on something important to a child in teaching them to pray.  Each of the needs are opportunities that can help us in teaching prayer.  Let’s look at these needs and get some ideas on how we might work with them:
  • When we help a child pray about fears and woes, wants and weaknesses, we teach them that everything about them matters…and that nothing is too small or impossible for God to do.  Taking their concerns seriously helps them learn to seriously follow God.  Your teaching them to do this helps them recognize that you know about their fears and that you care about them.  Use what God has done—Use your spiritual heritage to encourage.   Help them to journal.  Use Scripture.  There are many resources available to help you.
  • If a child needs to learn to listen or  is a listener, help them teach them to learn to listen to God 
  • If a child is a talker, teach them to talk to God

Parental involvement is very important in helping children to pray.  Always be sure to affirm your child’s prayer.

To help parents teach children to pray, sometimes the use of a model called a prayer model might help.  We have provided several models at the end of this lesson in Appendix A.  Look them over and consider them.  Also consider the reflection Questions below:

Why is parental involvement so important in teaching a child to pray?

Why is it important to affirm your child’s prayer?

In teaching a child to pray about fears and other related areas, how does that teach them that everything matters?

Appendix A

Prayer Model:  A prayer model can lead children through the key elements of prayer.

Examples of prayer models:
The Lord’s prayer
            Honor God
            Embrace God’s Will
            Ask for Needs

Teach children to say AMEN-that is an agreement prayer

ACTS Model
            Supplication-That is to ask God to supply our needs, but also bringing Him hurts, pains, and         needs of others.

A format to use when children pray:
             Praying about scripture-what to use
            When a subject is thoroughly covered, move on
            Listen to the Holy Spirit
       As children get older:
            Use group prayers
            Prayer Chains
            Teach them about spiritual warfare and discerning God’s direction.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lesson 1-Praying Scripture for Our Children

These lessons are developed from looking at the whole Bible and what it says related to prayer.  My wife and I were working to develop lessons that are essentially simple to use and are easy to understand both parents and help a child learn to pray.  Wheatland Ministries is still active today in the field of prayer with posts on Reimagine prayer (formally, which was sponsored by Navigators Press).  We also have posts on

Note: These lesson were developed using the discipline of Etymology--and using pictographs used in the early Hebraic Alphabet.  Pictures are a wonderful way to help children and adults to understand a concept.  

Children and Prayer

Lesson 1

Praying Scripture for Our Children

Recommended Reading:   When Children Pray by Cherri Fuller

An important concept in praying, which may be new to some, is letting scripture guide us in our prayers.  This is especially true when it comes to praying for children.  Many parents have great concerns and often need help in praying for their children.  You probably hear this most when children are in their teenage years and which is sometimes in the rebellious stage.  During this stage, parents may feel that they have failed.  A close look at scripture shows that there is help for us and hope that our children can turn to God. 

We should remember that there are conditions in scripture that we must follow in our lives.  One is our obedience to God’s word.  Obedience starts by staying in the word Psalms 119:11 says “Thy Word have I hid in my heart.”, and obedience also includes daily communication with God (Ps 86:3...O Lord: for I cry unto Thee daily.).  In that cry, it is important to let the word of God guide our heart.

To help us understand what the Bible says concerning our children, let’s look at a brief overview of the help that God provides to us.  This help is found in the promises in God’s word.  Regular reading and studying of God’s word can help us learn what the promises are.

To start, God wants us to come to Him and ask His help and involvement with our children.  Matthew 11:28  “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”   God wants us to trust Him and to rest assured that He will carry out His promises.  God will lead us in our study of the scripture.  He wants to help us. Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”  God’s Promises, do include our children and give hope.

When we look at God’s promises, they are not abstract.  They are written for us, to help us.  Consider the following three (3) points:

  • God’s Word is true and cannot fail—Matthew 5:18 says:  “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”. Titus 1:2 says:  “God, that cannot lie”.

  • The promises in the Bible are written for us.  All the promises of God are yes and in Him, Amen (so be it)  II Corinthians 1: 20

  • The promises of God give us a hope that God will keep His promises,  As we look to them, we find that some of them apply to our children and show God’s part in encouraging our children to follow the Lord.  There are times that answers to prayers have had a long time in coming.  We must not forget that God is faithful… See I Corinthians 1:9.

Wheatland Ministries has researched promises that can help parents in praying for their children.  The link is listed below:    
Copy it and paste it in your browser.  It should bring up the article, which is titled “When Children are not Following the Lord—What do we do.”

Take time to review that article and let God encourage you to learn how to use His word in prayer for our children.  God’s Word brings God’s help.

Finally, joining together with others in prayer is very encouraging and helpful to us.

After you have studied the article, consider sharing some thought about the following.

***Why is it important to base your prayers for children on God’s promises for them?

***How would praying with other for you children make a difference?

***We search the scriptures for promises that can encourage us in prayer—a child comes to the Lord with a childlike faith—how would a child’s approach help us in searching for God’s promises concerning our children?

Wheatland Ministries
PO Box 697
Walkersville, MD 21793

Written by Lewis Turner

When children are not following the Lord—What do we do?

There are a number of parents who have seen their children not follow the Lord.  They become discouraged and do not know what to do.  Yet their heart cry still cries that their children would follow the Lord Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Many parents have shed tears for their children.  Did you know the Lord has seen those tears too? 
  • He actually saves them.  Ps 56:8 says “thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle:  are they not in thy book?” 
  • God hears and sees our cry.  It is precious to Him and in reality, those tears are like prayers.  Those tears come from the heart and God looks on the heart.  (See I Sam 16:7) 
  • Ps 145:19 says “He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him:  “He will hear their cry.” 
  • God wants us to have hope that the situation is not hopeless.

God wants us to allow Him to be involved in our children’s lives.  As we obey Him, we will see Him work.  Consider the following Scriptures.  They can be used when you pray:

Is 41:9  I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.

            Consider asking God to choose your child.

Deut 30:6  Paraphrased:  “When we obey, God will cleanse our hearts and our children’s hearts to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart.”

            Ask the Lord to help us obey His word daily, and as we do, that He will work in out children’s heart to love Him.

Ps 90:16  “let Thy work appear unto Thy servants and Thy Glory unto their children

            This is a promise that we should consider asking for the Lord to reveal Himself and His work to our children.

Is 44:3  “I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring.”

            This is a wonderful promise and we should ask for God’s Holy Spirit and Blessing for our children.

Prov 11:21b  “The seed of the righteous shall be delivered.”

            Again, this is another powerful promise to thank the Lord for as we obey the Lord--we can ask that our children be delivered.


Go ahead of us Lord.  Prepare the way and our hearts, so our desire can be fulfilled.  The desire that is given to us by you and your word.  We ask for the victory as you stated in I Cor 15:57.  “But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory,”—the victory of our children following Jesus.  In Jesus Name, we pray this.

·         God is always looking for a way to give us a future and a hope.  See Jer 29:11.
·         He wants to hasten and perform His word.  See Jer 29:12. 
·         He wants us to call on Him to help.

Also, take time to seek out Godly mature prayer partners who will pray with you, and give Godly counsel.

Most of all, God cares about our children.  His word for our children is powerful and shows us what He wants for them.  Using God’s Promises for our children in prayer, follows the scriptural direction found in I John 5:14-15 which says:  “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

If you have not yet used scriptures in your prayers for your children, maybe it is time to consider including them in prayers for our children.  God will bless us when we do.

©2012 Lewis Turner